“As I unclutter my life, I free myself to answer the callings of my soul” ~ Unknown
Home Staging
Consultation Service
With a flair for interior design, I can help you arrange and style your home whilst we organise your possessions. Whether you want to ready your home to go on the market or to enjoy your refreshed home for yourself, this service is for you. I offer this as a stand-alone service or mix and match it as you like.

The chances are that your home already has many delightful furnishings and pieces of art and decor. As a design graduate with a speciality in interior design and having a natural eye for detail, my creative mind can see the potential in your possessions.
Through optimising placement and lighting, I can transform your home helping you to achieve the style and feel you have been working towards.

Here is a bedroom, before and after, I staged it in preparation for estate agent viewings. To read my customers review, please click or tap here